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With the ‘Hope Consortium’ Abu Dhabi becomes logistics hub for Covid-19 vaccine


The United Arab Emirates steps up in organising facilities for the upcoming Covid-19 vaccine as Abu Dhabi launches a logistical facility--Hope Consortium--which will be the hub for Covid-19 vaccine distribution for all over the world.

People and the healthcare sector are desperately waiting for coronavirus vaccines to hit the market but with it, they are also looking for vaccine logistics. Abu Dhabi has cemented its position as the leading logistical hub for the much anticipated vaccine to facilitate its distribution.

With this consortium plan , the aim is to complete the chain of supplies that will be taking care of the transportation of the vaccines, leading up to the demand, using technology for the infrastructure used in the process and finally the ultimate destination to make vaccines available across the world.

In November itself, the Hope Consortium member Etihad cargo services have transported around five million vaccines. These vaccines were sent by the Department of health, Abu Dhabi. The organisation will also be responsible to oversee the proper functioning of the supply chain and also be providing some necessary insights in the process.

The chairman of the department, Sheikh Abdullah bin Mohammed Al Hamed, also credited Abu Dhabi for being a platform to provide mass solutions to the world. The Hope Consortium is a prime example of how Abu Dhabi is leading in providing solutions, capabilities and capacities to help the world get through this global pandemic. It is a continuation of all players’ collaboration of a UAE-based public-private partnership that spans the globe.

Al Hamed said, “While assuring vaccine supply to the domestic market, the Hope Consortium will offer international governments, non-governmental organisations, and vaccine suppliers a cohesive solution across every supply chain step – from air freight, regional storage and temperature monitoring, to inventory management, cold and ultra-cold container solution, regulatory clearance, and healthcare and pharma quality assurance.”

He further asserted that a vaccine is just the first step of tackling the virus concern, the process after that is equally challenging as it deals with getting the vaccine to the whole globe while maintaining the correct environment for it. He assured that Hope Consortium would comply with these regulations while ensuring the highest quality solution.

The Consortium already has enough experience in global delivery of the items needed for coronavirus pandemic ranging from PPE kits to diagnostics consumables, said the chairman.

It also includes Abu Dhabi Ports Company, Rafed which is known as the healthcare purchasing arm of ADQ, also based out of Abu Dhabi. Along with it, SkyCell of Switzerland. The Switzerland based company is also experienced in this sector and essentially deals with developing the next generation, temperature controlled logistics container.


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