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Nigerien Soldiers Announce Coup Attempt on National TV, Detain President and Government



In a shocking turn of events, Nigerien soldiers appeared on the country's national TV station on Wednesday to announce the removal of President Mohamed Bazoum and his government from power. The announcement came shortly after African organizations reported an attempted coup in the West African nation.

The United States confirmed that the rebelling soldiers had detained President Mohamed Bazoum, who was democratically elected. Colonel Amadou Abdramane, one of the key figures in the coup, stated that the country's defence and security forces decided to take action due to the deteriorating security situation and perceived bad governance.

As the news spread, the country's borders were shut, and a nationwide curfew was imposed to maintain order. Niger's presidency took to Twitter to clarify that the attempted coup was instigated by members of the elite guard unit, who attempted to seek support from other security forces. However, the army and national guard were prepared to take action if the situation did not deescalate.

The African Union and the Economic Community of West African States have described the events as an effort to unseat President Mohamed Bazoum. The situation remains tense as the international community closely monitors the developments in Niger.


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