Enhancing Collaboration in Advanced Technology: A Conversation with Elon Musk on AI and Innovation.

Elon Musk is an innovator and entrepreneur whose focus is the development of cutting edge technology and particularly Application Intelligence (AI). Today's discussion revolved around understanding the dynamics of change in artificial intelligence with ways of improving teamwork in that field. Musk is also known for coming up with some mega ideas and even more mega strategies so it was not surprising that the call for global cooperation in use of AI was made to avoid disorganized competition of nations and industries that would ultimately waste a lot of resources and fail to solve the key issues of the 21st century. That vision which is his echoes with the increasing understanding that in order to tap the capabilities of AI, proactive implementation of these capabilities is of collective, rather than individual, nature. A focal point of the discussion was the ethics of AI and its development. As Musk pointed out, AI is more than a device, it is a way of thinking that will change bu

Tensions spark between Palestinians and UAE Arabs as Palestinian official calls MbZ 'dictator'

 Palestinian ambassador to Paris, Salman Al-Harfi, called  UAE’s  Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, a ‘dictator’, as per the interview published by French magazine Le Point. Al-Harfi’s choice of word appeared to be an attempt to slander Emirates’ Arab leaders as a bitter reaction to UAE’s normalisation agreement with Israel, signed last month.

 On Monday, in an interview with Radio Monte Carlo International, Al-Harfi called the UAE-Israel peace agreements as free normalization”, and questioned: Was the Arab initiative merely a maneuver or was it aimed at solving the Arab-Israeli conflict?”

 Al-Harfi condemned the inception of normalization of ties between Arab world and Israel as US President Donald Trump’s plan to win US elections not Palestine-Israel peace. He said, These are the instructions of US President Donald Trump to these countries, which he sent in writing through his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, as the US policy is rude enough to embarrass these countries.”

Palestinian official said that Trump’s senior aide and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is believed to be one of the key architects of the plan, tired to win support for the plan to assure reelection victory of the American president rather than resolving serve Palestinian -Israeli conflict considering the two-state solution. He concluded by saying, It is as if our brothers are standing on the side of Israel and the United States in opposing Palestinians and Arabs.”

 UAE leaders considered Al-Harfi’s statement as revolting and offensive. UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash slammed Al-Harfi’s statement in his tweet, posted on Tuesday: I was not surprised by the Palestinian ambassadors speech to Paris and his ungrateful handling of the Emirates. We are used to lack of loyalty and gratefulness, and we are moving confidently towards the future with our steps and convictions.”



''gratefulness, and we are moving confidently towards the future with our steps and convictions.”

Many wondered how true were Al-Harfi’s concerns and claims. It’s important to note that the Palestinian ambassador has a reputation of switching sides for convenience, ditching Palestinians for money and throwing parties in Parisian style. Unfortunately none of the above even happen to be closely associated to the cause of resolving Israeli-Palestinian decades long conflict, which is suddenly seemed awaken to blaming UAE for deviating from the path.

 Besides, many analysts even wondered if this attack on UAE’s crown prince was a consequence of Al-Harfi’s forewarning, which he gave at the time of formalisation of peace agreement between UAE and Israel. El Herfi threatened, We warn and appeal to everyone not to follow the example of the Emirates, which betrayed Jerusalem and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. There will be a response for the Palestinian people, and it will come soon. We ask the UAE not to interfere in Palestine's affairs, and we are not unable to respond. We do not threaten anyone, but the Palestinian people are not a vehicle that anyone can use to reach their goals.”

 Around the same time, Saeb Erekat, the chief Palestinian negotiator, gave a televised speech national Palestinian television, to condemn the deal and present an ultimatum to the head of the Arab League to either reject the agreement or resign.

Everything on which international agreements are based on have been torpedoed by this behavior. That is why I say that His Excellency the Secretary of the Arab League, my brother Ahmed Aboul Gheit, should issue a statement condemning and denouncing this step, and if he is unable to do so, I think that his resignation is appropriate,” Erekat told Palestine TV.

What happened was a flagrant violation of the Arab Leagues charter, mainly when the Arab League was established because of Palestine. Likewise, what happened was a flagrant violation of the Arab Peace Initiative and its cancellation, and this is a reward for the occupation,” Erekat added.

 As per the media reports, Palestinian leaders were support by Qatar, which launched a full-fledged media campaign on its state-funded media station, Al Jazeera to denounce the UAE-Israel ties and use the Palestinian cause as a bait to provoke rage against Emirates. But what Al-Harfi probably forgot to consider was the fact that Qatar itself has had diplomatic ties with Israel. In 2007, Israels then-Vice Prime Minister Shimon Peres visited in Qatar, and it wasn’t his first, as he had gone to Qatar for an official state visit in 1996 received by then-Emir Sheikh Hamad ibn Khalifa al-Thani when Peres was serving as prime minister of Israel. Besides, in 2008 Israel's then-Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni went to Doha as a guest speaker to attend the eighth Forum on Democracy, Development and Free Trade,

 Later, the Qatari ambassador to Tunisia, Saad Nasser Al-Hamid attended a synagogue ceremony in the Tunisian region of Djerba, at the ceremony which marked the 62nd anniversary of the establishment of Israel.  In a scandalous episode of 2011, Qatari official sent his thugs to attack 4 Palestinians in Tunisia who had fled Libya and tried to seek help from the Palestinian embassy in Tunis. One of those 4 victims of stabbing said, "This stab is so that you do not raise your masters' life again."

 And after that incident, Al-Hamid in a television interview on Tunisian channels, urged Tunisian officials not to receive the Palestinians, indicating that the Palestinian were a cause for terrorism and chaos in the region. These incidents of abuse and violence led to the intervention of the Tunisian Commission for Refugees and Foreign Affairs. The organization, along with the Fatah movement cadres condemned silence of Al-Harfi over the matter (as he was the then Palestinian ambassador to Tunisia) and his appointment to the position, stating: “We condemn and denounce the appointment of the dwarf named Salman Al-Harfi to this site, after all the scandals and abuses he committed in suspicious deals, and the fake projects with the thieves Imad Shakour and Sami Farah.”

 The most uncanny aspect of Al-Harfi’s position has been the fact that despite his not standing for Palestinian cause, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas couldn’t abandon him and rather placed him as ambassador in Paris.

 The Palestinian official in France has done equal amount of damage to his own people as he suggested the French authorities to deport Palestinians. Apparently, it is considered to be part of the trade network managed by Mahmoud Abbas’s sons (in Africa), and help them in their trade in gold and diamonds, taking advantage of Al-Harfi’s diplomatic status, and immunity. And this trade started when he was ambassador to South Africa, and he was behind many fake deals that wasted millions of dollars from Palestine and then money instead went to Mahmoud Abbas, who considered these funds a great sacrifice offered by Al-Harfi.


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